LNW 3mg E-Liquid Nicotine
Product Description
For those who have always wanted to be e-juice mixologists, 3mg liquid nicotine from Liquid Nicotine Wholesalers is the perfect place to start. This odorless, unflavored nicotine base is manufactured from only the highest quality tobacco leaves. And because it is tasteless, you never have to worry about the liquid nicotine muting the flavors in your secret e-juice recipe.
The only additional ingredients that we use to create each of our liquid nicotine products are premium quality Propylene Glycol (PG) and Vegetable Glycerin (VG). We never include synthetic chemicals or additives.
Once the pure nicotine solution is extracted from the leaves of the tobacco plant, a long series of tests are performed to ensure that each and every bottle is of the highest quality, purity, safety standards, and uniformity. All liquid nicotine products are verified by an independent laboratory before they ever leave the shop. Quality is always our top priority.
For the manufacturing of premium vape juice, this 3mg unflavored nicotine base is the perfect choice. Add your favorite flavor combinations to create DIY e-liquid that will make your friends green with envy. Order today, and start vaping your latest invention as soon as tomorrow!